Friday, February 3, 2017

Would You Rather? Round 7 - JuneMoon

Would you rather always be 10 minutes late or always be 20 minutes early? I hate being late, so I’d rather be early, but probably not THAT early.  I’d take a book to read or a crossword puzzle to do while I waited.

    Would you rather lose all of your money and valuables or all of the pictures you have ever taken? Actually I think I probably have more pictures than money, but I’d rather lose them than what financial security I actually have.

    Would you rather be able to see 10 minutes into your own future or 10 minutes into the future of anyone but yourself? Then minutes is really meaningless — I don’t care which it is.  Ten years would be very different and I’d rather see ten years into my own future.

    Would you rather be famous when you are alive and forgotten when you die or unknown when you are alive but famous after you die? I’d rather be famous while I’m alive, what pleasure is there in being anything when you’re dead?

    Would you rather go to jail for 4 years for something you didn’t do or get away with something horrible you did but always live in fear of being caught? I’d take jail time over constant guilt and worry.

    Would you rather find your true love or a suitcase with five million dollars inside? I’ll take the five million — true love often isn’t so true after all.

    Would you rather your shirts be always two sizes too big or one size too small? Two sizes too big, too small is uncomfortable.

    Would you rather live in the wilderness far from civilization or live on the streets of a city as a homeless person? I have enjoyed cities but I’d hate homelessness . I’d rather been in the wilderness but I sure would be lonely.

    Would you rather the general public think you are a horrible person but your family be very proud of you or your family think you are a horrible person but the general public be very proud of you? Families are always prejudgiced and some are proud of their horrible relatives.  I’ll take the public’s good opinion.

    Would you rather live your entire life in a virtual reality where all your wishes are granted or in the real world? The real world, we really don’t have a clue what virtual reality would be like.

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