Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Would You Rather? Round 5 -- CarrieB

  1. Would you rather be poor and work at a job you love, or rich and work at a job you hate? I think I would rather be poor and work at a job that I love because if you love it then it isn’t really work, right?
  2. Would you rather have your flight delayed by 8 hours or lose your luggage? Having flown many times and had many flights delayed I’d rather just have them lose my luggage.  I always travel with minimal things anyways so I could just go grab a few things from the store instead of sitting in an airport for longer than I have to.
  3. Would you rather be in your pajamas or a suit all day? Um pajamas all the way.
  4. Would you rather have your first child when you are 18 or 40? Not having any children myself I am on both sides of the fence on this.  Having one at 18 would let me still be young into their adult years and get to enjoy that time.  On the other hand, having one later would give me the time to learn more about life and the ways of the world.
  5. Would you rather be the star player on a losing basketball team or ride the bench on a winning one? Star on a losing team.  As long as everyone is playing and having fun that is what matters.
  6. Would you rather spend the next year exempt from all taxes or have a one-month paid vacation? Tax exempt because then I could save up the money and take myself on a vacation and have spending money.
  7. Would you rather have the best house in a bad neighborhood or the worst house in a good neighborhood? Being in the military I’ve seen some pretty shady parts of town (they tend to not be far from the bases a lot of times) so I would have the worst house in a good neighborhood and then not have to worry about my safety.
  8. Would you rather be filthy rich and live 400 years ago or be poor but live today? Live 400 years ago and see the colonization of America.
  9. Would you rather be gossiped about or never talked about at all? Never talked about.  If you don’t have anything nice to say….That old saying
  10. Would you rather end hunger or hatred? Hmm this is a tough one but I’m going to say hatred because then maybe in turn there would be a little more love to go around and in turn hunger would be ended because more people would reach out to others.

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