Wednesday, January 11, 2017

End of Year Questions 2016 -- Kygirl

1 What did you do in 2016 that you had not done before?
 nothing I can think of, I did alot but nothing new.
2 Did you keep your New Year's Resolutions/goals for the year and will you make/set more for next year?
 What are the goals? What are your new ones? I don't make New Years Resolutions, I did in the past and never followed thru. I think either we will do it OR not, with or without a resolution.
3 Did anyone you know give birth? Or become pregnant?
 my nephews girlfriend had a baby, it was their 3rd and her 9th!!!!
4 Did anyone you know die? Or have a serious illness?
 No and I Thank God. I have been through enough grief and heartache to last a lifetime, my 28yr old son & my mom died suddenly within 6 weeks of each other in 2010.
5 What places have you visited?
 I have been to all US states except Vermont, Main & Mass. I have also been to Mexico & the Bahamas twice.
6 What would you like to have in 2017 that you lacked in 2016 (doesn't have to be a physical thing)?
 if I can continue with my good health I wish for happiness and alittle more income. I just need to pay my bills and have some grocery money, lol
7 What date from 2016 will remain etched in your memory and why?
 No certain date stands out to me.
8 What was your biggest achievement this year?
 rebuilding my eBay (selling account). I use to be a full time seller but gave it up in a move to another state. I really enjoy it!
9 Did you get sick or injured? How about your family?
 I broke my little toe, it is was so painful! It took about 2 months to heal.
10 What was the best thing you bought?
 a new laptop, I needed it to continue working. My old one was taped to the desk so it would keep the power cord in because if it came unplugged it was hard to get started again.
11 Where did most of your disposable income go (money leftover after you pay for food, transportation and shelter)?
 Eating at restaurants! We eat out 4 or 5 nights a week. Other than that we enjoy going to the movies once a month,
12 What song will always remind you of 2016?
 I only listen to contempory Christian music, Amazing Grace is my favorite song every year.
13 What do you wish you would have done more of?
 I'm really buzy, but maybe sleep more. I already sleep 8hrs a night.
14 What do you wish you would have done less of?
 eat! I only eat 2 meals a day but they are huge! lol
15 What was your favorite new TV program? Movie? Album/Songs? Or if you didn't pick up any new ones, what are you still watching/listening to? I always enjoy The Big Bang Theory and Medical Mystery documentaries. I saw a great movie, Don't Breathe.
16 What was the best book you read this year?
 How many did you read? I haven't read any new books this year. I read Angel Fall by Nora Roberts a couple years ago, it is awesome!
17 What did you do on your birthday and how old were you? Did you feel differently?
 My boyfriend took me out to eat. I turned 52. I felt the same, lol
18 What political or social issue stirred you the most?
 None, I stay out of all that drama, I did go to see Donald Trump give a spech back in the summer. He was coming to a town within 30 miles of where I live so I thought it was a once in a lifetime event for me!
19 Who was the most interesting new person you met? A lady at the thrift store. She is 82 and has lived alone her entire life, no kids and never been married.
20 What changed at your job?
 I found a few new places to get things to sell.
21 What changed in your home?
 I got a new flat screen tv. it was used but new to me.
22 Describe how a relationship changed.
 My friends husband left her after 20yrs of marriage, they had been together since they were 16. I spend much more time talking to her.
23 Do you think you are still the same person that you were at the beginning of the year?
 probably not, middle age is setting in and I'm getting slower. I have mystery pains in my knees now, I remember when my mom told me these things were happening to her years ago.
24 Summarize the year in three words or less. Bonus points for doing it in one word. Explain.
 HAPPY. I don't work with the public now, yeah! I can wear my pajamas all day on some days, yeah!
25 How have people around you changed?
 all my grandkids, everything is so tech-y now. They speak another language, alot of words are shortened, like mashed potatoes is "mash".......crazy!@!@!
26 What have you learned throughout the year? (Other than crafts)
 I learned how to better ride a 4 wheeler, I knew how to ride but now I can go up & down big hills.
27 What was your favourite outfit for warm weather? Sleeveless top & capris & flip flops..Cooler weather?
 long sleeve top, slip on shoes and casual knit pants.
28 Did you learn any new crafts or techniques? What was your favourite thing you made?
 I learned how to make baby gowns, they are my favorite thing to make.
29 What changed about your physical appearance? (Hair? Wrinkles? New makeup style? Etc)
 I got a haircut, I hadn't had one in 7 years. New wrinkles are appearing, is the same.
30 What are your hopes and dreams for the new year?
 happiness, to prosper and live in God's love.

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