Monday, March 27, 2017


 What are you afraid of? needles going in my veins (getting blood drawn, IVs). it's the absolute worst feeling ever! one of the reasons why i don't want to get pregnant. 
 Have you ever been searched by the cops? if getting searched before being booked in jail counts, then yes i have!
♡ Do you close your eyes on roller coasters? for the first time i do because i get nervous but usually afterwards i will want to ride again. 
♡ Strangest place you've gotten laid? outside of a restaurant! it was spontaneous & maybe not the strangest place ever, but still equally as fun. 
♡ When's the last time you've been sledding? i've never been sledding! where i live there is no snow. when we do get snow, it's about 4 inches. definitely not enough to her snow. 
♡ Would you rather fall sleep with someone else, or alone in bed? i've been sleeping in bed with my boyfriend & pup in bed for years. it feels weird not having there. 
♡ Do you believe in ghosts or poltergeists? yes, i do believe in ghosts! i saw one awhile back, even though no one believes me but i swear on everything that i did. 
♡ What is your favorite song right now? i don't know if it's called love me now but i really enjoy it by john legend. 
♡ Do you consider yourself creative? yes, of course! 
♡ Do you think O.J. was innocent or guilty? i honestly have no idea. i've never looked into it like that nor do i know much about it. 
♡ Do you care about any celebrity gossip? nope. 
♡ Can you honestly say you know ANYTHING about politics? if anything, i feel like i know too much. 
♡ Do you play poker? i have no idea how to! 
♡ Have you ever been awake for more than 36 hours straight? i haven't. that sounds awful. 
♡ Do you have a favorite commercial? i don't watch enough cable tv to have one. 
♡ Do you remember the name of your first love, and if so who? eeeek. yes, their name was raymond & now as an adult i've realized that our age gap wasn't normal but i was a 15 year old "in love". 
♡ If you're driving in the middle of the night, and no one is around you, do you run a red light? no way! they usually have cameras. i also don't really drive in the middle of the night. where i live there are a lot of wild animals that like crossing the street & i would be a mess if i accidentally were to hit one. 
♡ Do you have a secret that no one knows but you? yes of course. who doesn't??
♡ Are you into sports, and if so do you have a favorite team? i don't have a favorite sport per say but i love the miami dolphins! it's a love my father & i share. 
♡ Have you ever been streaking? no. i'm not that cool. 
♡ How often do you remember your dreams? my medicine gives me crazy dreams so i usually always remember them. 
♡ What's the one thing on your mind right now? i want to have chinese food for lunch. 
♡ Do you have a favorite restaurant? yes!! it's in the town my mom lives in, which is 2 hours away. it's called Pasta Bella & it's amazing. 
♡ What talent do you wish you had? to be able to paint portraits. 
♡ What is your best feature/talent? i'm pretty swell at video games. 
♡ Do you like sushi, and if so what is your favorite? i don't. 
♡ What do you wear to bed? i usually wear a night gown or a large shirt. 
♡ Favorite TV show? bob's burgers!! 
♡ If you could sleep with one famous person, who would it be? i wouldn't. 
♡ Do you know anyone in jail? not that i know of. 
♡ How often do you drink [alcohol]? i don't drink alcohol. 
♡ What food do you find disgusting? yogurt. it's so nasty!!
♡ Have you ever made fun of your friends behind their back? i'm sure i have. i can't recall a certain situation, though. 
♡ Have you ever been in a fight? physical, no. verbal, yes. 
♡ Do you believe in angels or demons? nope, i don't. 
♡ Favorite color? pink, pink, pink! 
♡ What is your favorite store to shop at? hm, i don't really know. all i can think of are etsy shops for washi tape. i'm a bit obsessed with them. 
♡ What's the worst thing you've done and gotten away with? maybe cheating on a boyfriend. i guess that's the worst thing i've ever done. which sucked. 

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