What are you afraid of? SPIDERS
Have you ever been searched by the cops? Nope, have never even come close.
Do you close your eyes on roller coasters? roller coasters frighten me so i don't ride them.
Strangest place you've gotten laid? hood of a car
When's the last time you've been sledding? 1994 when i lived in Michigan
Would you rather fall sleep with someone else, or alone in bed? I like falling asleep on his chest.
Do you believe in ghosts or poltergeists? Yes, I believe in ghosts, I have seen some.
What is your favorite song right now? can't stop the feeling-Justin Timberlake.
Do you consider yourself creative? Yes, I enjoy making cards, ATC’s,scrap-booking and altering items.
Do you think O.J. was innocent or guilty? In my humble opinion, he is guilty.
Do you care about any celebrity gossip? nope
Can you honestly say you know ANYTHING about politics? Honestly no, I know what I hear on the news or from other people.
Do you play poker? Nope
Have you ever been awake for more than 36 hours straight? oh yes plenty of times.
Do you have a favorite commercial? no i dislike commercials.
Do you remember the name of your first love, and if so who? oh yes, Clarence
If you're driving in the middle of the night, and no one is around you, do you run a red light? No, I follow the rules.
Do you have a secret that no one knows but you? Of course, I think everyone has a secret, duh.
Are you into sports, and if so do you have a favorite team? oh yes. i love
(u of m. fsu) and
️ (tigers)
Have you ever been streaking? No, never
How often do you remember your dreams? I rarely remember my dreams unless they are scary!
What's the one thing on your mind right now? what is on my mind right now is 'i wonder if any of my partners would like to host a Jamberry party with me on here'
Do you have a favorite restaurant? Osaka - a Japanese restaurant. they cook right at your table.
What talent do you wish you had? I wish I could play piano
What is your best feature/talent? my feature, my eyes (so im told) My talent, I am a crafter.
Do you like sushi, and if so what is your favorite? I don't like any kind
What do you wear to bed? PJ’s
Favorite TV show? family feud Forensic Files and all cooking shows.
If you could sleep with one famous person, who would it be? no one.
Do you know anyone in jail? At the moment, yes, a few people.
How often do you drink [alcohol]? Not often, but I have a drink here in there with my bestie.
What food do you find disgusting? sushi
Have you ever made fun of your friends behind their back? No, I don't make fun of anyone because karma is a bitch.
Have you ever been in a fight? Yes, definitely!
Do you believe in angels or demons? I believe in both.
Favorite color? any type of blue
What is your favorite store to shop at? my friends would say dunkin donuts and dollar tree. need that coffee on a daily and the DT has great items to alter.
What's the worst thing you've done and gotten away with?
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